GTPF - Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation
GTPF stands for Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation
Here you will find, what does GTPF stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation? Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation can be abbreviated as GTPF What does GTPF stand for? GTPF stands for Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation. What does Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation mean?Global Tamill Telugu People Foundation is an expansion of GTPF
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GT Global Trust
- GV Global Vision
- GVIF Global Vision India Foundation
- GVN Global Vision Nepal
- GVP Global Vision, Pakistan
- GYDA&PCC Global Youth service Day-Asia & Pacific Coordinating Center
- GVE&Y Glory Village for Elders & Youth
- GS Gobind Sadan
- G God foundation
- Goal of Development God Foundation Regd.
- GBCH Gokulam - Bhaktivedanta Children's Home
- GPI Golden Palm International
- GHEALT Good HEAL Trust
- GNIK Good Neighbours International, Kazakhstan
- GP Good People
- GSDO Good Shepherd Development Organisation
- GSH Good Shepherd Homes
- GTOHD Good Thinkers Organization for Human Development
- GTE&CT Good Tiding Educational & Charitable Trust
- GTM Good Tiding Mission